MUSE: Carrie Robertson – Marysia

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MUSE: Carrie Robertson

It's my honor to introduce this month's Muse. Former stylist and well-dressed mama Carrie Robertson was the perfect choice for July’s Muse.

Carrie and I met on the cover shoot for my feature in Wardrobe ICONS magazine. She is a really nice person, and a style icon in her own right...just read the interview and you'll understand exactly what I mean. 

Thank you so much for being so open and sweet Carrie, and to Rose and Lila for agreeing to be included in this wonderful feature.





Tell us about yourself and career as a stylist...

After many years in the fashion industry I am now a full time mom.  It’s funny in my younger days the idea of being a mom was simply not on my radar. I loved the chaos, the excitement, and the independence of my career.  However, once my son arrived my whole world literally shifted.  And one child after the next, I discovered the strongest part of my soul was truly being a mom. I thrive on their joy, growth, and curiosity. Diving into their world, being a part of their journey. I am extremely grateful to be able to do so.  I still adore fashion, but not for what is considered “in” or the most luxurious but rather how clothing makes me feel.  It shouldn’t be too complicated. What you wear should just make you feel happy, comfortable or sexy depending on your mood. I still work with a few women providing an honest eye and a bit of levity to the world of styling.  What color brings out their inner sparkle? Which simple dress makes someone feel like the sexiest woman on earth? The goal is to smile with confidence, because let's face it, a great smile is always the best accessory.


To you, MARYSIA is...

Quintessential chic swimwear created by an incredible woman.  I met Marysia during a shoot just before Covid and from our first exchange I was immediately drawn to her smile, her grace and her passion for what she does.  I love that you can feel that joy in her swimwear and clothing.  This makes her world authentic.  She creates from her heart with impeccable style and an eye for designing for all women.  Classic, cool, sophisticated, comfortable and chic, her line is just like the woman herself.


From left to right (all Bumby):


What are 5 essentials that you take on a warm getaway?

  1. Bikinis.
  2. Long white linen shirt.
  3. Great straw hat
  4. Sunglasses (multiple)
  5. Loads and loads of beaded necklaces. I am a huge fan of Roxanne Assoulin.


    We love to follow you on Instagram. You are often exercising with your daughter, using light therapy or infrared sauna blanket....Tell us about your favorite wellness practices.

    For me, exercise is more about my mind and soul rather than my body.  Of course, I appreciate when hard work pays off, but what is most important is how exercise can provide a psychological shift when those endorphins flow. This is why my daughter joins me! We laugh while getting strong and embrace body positivity. Over the last couple years I felt my body responding to a combination of practices and I have been fortunate enough to create my dream team.  I work with the incredible Nicole Haworth, creator of The Workout LA, who is more mat based Pilates combined with dancing (I will always dance!), I love to box and strength train with my amazing coach Solo, and then there is my yoga and breath work instructor Amy Guthrie who is basically an angel on earth. 




    What is your family's favorite vacation spot, and why?

    The Mauna Kea Beach Hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii is our favorite.  I have been going there since I was a child.  It is a haven of memories for me.  In a way, I was brought up there and have continued the tradition with my family. With its magnificent beach and old school Hawaiian charm, it is a unique magical little world. The minute we arrive the smiles follow. I guess you could call it our happy place. 


    Where do you and your daughters find style inspiration?

    My 12-year-old daughter is currently inspired by the whole Y2K vibe that seems to be extremely popular with her generation. To me, it’s the worst of the 90’s but she always pulls it off in her own unique and edgy way.  My 8 year old is inspired by her sister of course, but also embraces the world of sparkles and pink like no other.  



    Can you share your skincare secrets?

    1. Number one will always be the Celluma LED light therapy device.  This was an investment, but it was worth every single penny.  My skin is brighter, pigmentation has softened, fine lines disappeared, and texture has drastically improved.  I love it so much I travel with it! Trust me, a game changer.   
    2.  I adore masks. I am currently obsessed with Biologigue Rechere Masque Visolastine and Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask.  Both surge in serious moisture and give you an instant youth boost glow. Little secret: I will wear a mask under the Celluma and the result is magic. 
    3. I love the Allies of Skin Molecular Saviour Probiotic Treatment Mist.  I have bottles scattered all over my house, in my purse, and in my car.  One spritz hydrates and gives the skin a beautiful refreshed dewy radiance. 
    4. Georgia Louise Sleeping Beauty Oil provides extra hydration in the evening and the scent is dreamy.  I am addicted.  
    5. For the body, I love the combination of The Environ Derma Lac Lotion with the Body Oil Forte.  These two mixed give my body a gorgeous glow and literally make crepey skin disappear.  


    How do you like to start and end your day?

    My 6-month-old puppy usually wakes me up at dawn.  I have grown to love these early mornings together as it gives me time to enjoy a giant cup of coffee in silence.  Days are devoted to my children and daily activities.  Of course there are the obvious like school and homework, but I am also a kid at heart and love to have fun.  From surprise trips to Disney to spontaneous dance parties, days are filled.  I always set an hour aside for my workouts, which keeps me sane.  Dinners are loud and filled with silly conversation and laughter.  The truth is, bedtimes are always chaotic but at 10 I am off duty.  I happily spend at least 30 minutes on my nighttime skincare regime, which I actually love.  It’s a bit of “me time” and gives me time to reflect on my day. I may watch a show, maybe read a bit and usually pass out hard at 11.

    From left to right:



    Who do you have admiration for?

    It is difficult to say one person I specifically admire.  For me, it is more about people that have come into my life who make me a better human.  I admire them for something that is intangible.  It is more a feeling they give to my heart and overall being.  Some provide education, others strength, some emotional healing, others pure laughter.  I simply couldn’t and wouldn’t be the woman I am today without them.


    What is a valuable lesson you hope to teach your children?

    I think the most valuable lesson is to love yourself for the person you authentically are.  We are all different, and that’s what makes us wonderful. If we love ourselves for who we are, then confidence blooms and from this confidence there is an inevitable inner kindness and a desire to bring other humans up.  No judging or comparing, simply accepting and loving everyone for who they are.




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